Thursday, July 27, 2006

پرم از سايه برگي در آب

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ابري نيست
بادي نيست
مي نشينم لب حوض
گردش ماهي ها، روشني، من، گل، آب
پاكي خوشه زيست

مادرم ريحان مي چيند
نان و ريحان و پنير، آسماني بي ابر، اطلسي هايي تر
رستگاري نزديك : لاي گل هاي حياط
! نور در كاسه مس، چه نوازش ها مي ريزد
نردبان از سر ديوار بلند، صبح را روي زمين مي آرد
پشت لبخندي پنهان هر چيز
روزني دارد ديوار زمان، كه از آن، چهره من پيداست
چيزهايي هست، كه نمي دانم
مي دانم، سبزه اي را بكنم خواهم مرد
مي روم بالا تااوج، من پر از بال و پرم
راه مي بينم در ظلمت، من پر از فانوسم
من پر از نورم و شن
و پر از دارو درخت

پرم از راه، ازپل، از رود، از موج
پرم از سايه برگي در آب
چه درونم تنهاست

Sing along with the elevator music

I was reading and suddenly I craved chocolate, and by chocolate I don’t mean kit kat, I’m no more fan of kitkats. To me, they are chocolates of torture and final exams . I wanted rich dark chocolate and as long as I live with citrus girl, I don’t have to worry about finding some Yummy dark stuff, so I headed to the kitchen and took one of her chocolates. She puts them in the fridge and they become cold and Yummy ;).I crawled back into my bed, opened the wrap, read my message on the aluminum wrap,This is the reason that I steal them at the first place;)

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What kind of message is that? It made me think about Elevator music. Well, I’ve never heard music in our elevator. How sad is that…. Saddened, I put the chocolate in my mouth and in no time, sweetness of the chocolate replaced my elevator drama and I smiled. I similed cause I suddenly felt like a thief and that reminded me of our promise: we promised that one day we will steal something and as long as I remember, Safeway was our first target.
My smile didn’t last though as I thought Papar might not co-operate with me anymore. Well, she is almost a Dr. and Yes, the last thing a Doctor will do is stealing! Am I right, or I am just biased toward doctors? I think I need to change my attitude toward doctors and Citrus girl’s chocolates, so as of today, I will not steal any chocolates and think of a plan for my robbery with Doctore ;)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Definitely not me ;)

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It’s 9:45, OoopS I don’t have them with me and OoopS it’s the forth night that I’m heading out with taking them with me, so like previous nights, I left my coffee and my Organic blueberry bar and ran to get them. 10:10p.m and I am home, finally!!! I went straight to the kitchen and took one of them with glass of iced water. These days, I feel like I am living in a Cinderella story with the exception of taking antibiotics instead of dancing with a charming prince and having my curfew at 10 instead of 12. Well, I always wanted to be in a Cinderella story, but not the new version. I am an old timer and I prefer the oldies, and unfortunately no one cares about oldies anymore. Anyways since I couldn’t let go of my organic blue berry bar, I ran back to coffee shop and in the way back I saw him, it couldn’t be him, could it? I took a closer look, and I have to tell you 2 might be wrong, but not 4. It was him, and he looked as breathtaking as always. I didn’t have my camera with me, but Mysterious Me and I managed to get it. When we got back, I got really disappointed seeing his empty seat, but that would make sense since James Bond never stays in one place for a long time… Well, I didn’t manage to take a pic with pierce Bronson, but I took a pic with Hugo .Who would prefer a tall, dark, handsome gentleman over a cute HAIRY little boy? Definitely not me…;)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I was reading, chapter 9, circulatory system, same old craps about valves, veins, arteries, RBC, Heart....and suddenly I saw a note on the border of the page , it was written by me and dated June,20,2003...I stopped at the point and noticed that I am still at the same point that I was 3 years ago, oh, actually I am not at the same point , I am almost 1 month behind of that point( that's even better!!!!!!) ..That's sad , and by sad, I mean the kind of sadness that crushes your heart into billion pieces and fuck your mind in an irreversible manner. I wish I could do something about it, now can't think of doing anything other than writing my note from June,2003 :

من نمی گویم سمندرباش یا پروانه باش
چون به فکر سوختن افتاده ای مردانه باش
It's seems after 3 year I am still far away from "سوختن"

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I HATE to Hate

I saw them again and I could see hatred in their eyes. If I was not sure of myself, I would think that I have done something horrible to them in my other life.
Sometimes, I ask myself why? Why would they hate me when they got nothing from me,but respect.
I hated to hate them and tried not to, but the harder I tried , the harder they tried , and at one point I surrendered !I said to myself if they want it , fine by me, they can have it!!
Hatred is infectious !!!!!
Now I HATE them , and I mean it, I hate them from bottom of my heart and their mission is accomplished. Funny life and its pathetic losers!!!!!

ppl hate you for no reason and make you to hate them for no reason.
Well, if you think about it a bit more, you see that they hate you because of you being you, and at the same time they make to hate them because of them, being them!
Sooooo, here I am having the choice of reflecting hatred or absorbing it, and I go with the former option,. Sound fair? I bet, but not to me cuz,
I hate the word “HATE” ,
I hate to say it , I hate to feel it,
I hate to be forced to “HATE”,
and most importantly I hate to waste a space on Missing Piece to write about “HATE”.

Friday, July 14, 2006

A fRIeNdLY conversation

I am asking her what should I write and she is saying: I don't know , or maybe we should write that we thought about a lot of stuff today!Mission was accomplished...she is laughing her head off.
Now, She is having Lays chips( the original flavor, well an original person should always go for original) and saying she wanna marry A and laughing. I am laughing too...this is the best time of my week so far...
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee her simle, anyone could fall in love with that simle.Now she is looking at me with a question mark in her face....and she is saying "I don't know" again...oh oh she( the other she) knows and I know that She doesn't not co-operate with us. I say she can't and she doesn't believe me....she said " I don't know " again.. what is it with this phrase and you today , ha?
Thanks God I got an ok...
She wants to know where did it all start? what do u say? from a gossip , or that simle of her...I think she should mention it somewhere, somewhere that ppl sneak in and study her. I told her, they study you , and she doesn't believe that...She never believes me. I think a lot of ppl believe her and she doesn't know that..she just have to see the proof..and I told her, you can't have proof for everything....I think she needs time.. time is the best solution for everything..I asked her what does she think and WALLAAAAA , she nodded and said "NICE"....I got my answer for today, but she still have lots of question marks in her head. Now where do you stand , did you get anything from this piece? I bet not, so our mission was accomplished as always......hmmmmmmmmmmm ,now she is bragging about having AAAAAAAAA....I always wonder what is about AAAAA ;).....ok we are off to continue....stay tunned, and who knows you might figure out our little secret...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nothing But NONSENSE!!!!!

Just a little announcement before I go on: Zinedine Zidan is the hot guy of the month. Yes, he is bald , and Yes, I think bald guys are way too handsome! And no, I am not drunk. It’s just me in July!

Hot guy of the month

It’s too late for me to write anything, but then I, personally, am sick of my boring web log. I need to update it. My head is full of stories and life lessons, and it’s the life itself that doesn’t let me to put it into words.
These days, my days are hectic, my life is upside down, or maybe for the first time my life is where it should have been ages ago.
It’s in order.
Well S is everybody's favorite, but too much of it might decrease your G and that means your efficient energy is decreasing …S is dcreasing these days. I am just not used to un pocito of S ; it’s boring and it’s just not me, at least it’s not me + summer.
If it was winter, I would try to fit in, but summer, low entropy, and me??!?!?…No No and Nooooooo, thank you, No….
UNFORTUNATLEY for now I have to say Yes, cause No is not my answer!! So S is for sure decreasing , at least for the next month or so!

Anyways, I just wanted to write something and update this site, someone’s birthday is cursing The Missing Piece (It is my great privilege ofcourse ;) …
I wish I wasn’t exhausted and sleepy, so I could go on and make a difference here, but I know if I don’t write even this non-sense piece of crap, I wouldn’t be able to write anything else in July!!!
July, July, July, What a month!!!!!So far for me it was nothing but anxiety.… I want July to pass me by as fast as possible…I am sick of it and still have to suck it up for 20 more days…. I’m just exhausted, mentally and physically!! Next time I should find a proper word for this phrase “exhausted, mentally and physically”. May be F***ed!?! but then F***ed is old-fashioned, plus I can't Hold Shift and 8 three times whenever I write it down; too much work for a fucking word . I need a HOT NEW VOCAB. What could that word be? Any one?